


  SMART 5 Reasons
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The Difference Between Learning and Effective Learning

Experts have written I Guru content from the field of insurance following "Instructionally Sound" methods. The primary objective of the content approach was to ensure that the learners could easily grasp Life Insurance irrespective of the academic background they come from.

The content has been re-written (within IRDA Guidelines on Syllabus) in a language that is familiar to the student. In fact, to ensure that the learner is completely engaged with the course material we have written the content in a unique format.

Learner Specific Language Format

The guidelines listed below were followed to ensure that the content is:

  • Complete: includes all the states and actions
  • Concise: with just enough details
  • Coherent: illustrations and examples convey an insightful meaning
  • Concrete: presented at an appropriate level of familiarity
  • Conceptual: potentially meaningful and relevant real world scenarios
  • Correct: corresponds to the IRDA guidelines
  • Considerate: use of appropriate vocabulary and organization

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